NoF Quote of the Week (July 23 - July 29, 2006)

"Even though we are sitting down right now, we are giving you a standing ovation." - Max Bialystock from The Producers

Sunday, October 30, 2005

New Pics and stuffage

Yo my obess and skinny bastards of the world. I would like to inform the masses that Dono the Mighty and Vaughn have new pics up! We were really bored so we updated our profiles. It's kinda funny, cause the place we originally took our pics now has a tree laying on the ground. So go check out those pics!

Also just to restate it again, I redid the NoF Music page to make it look cool and stuff. Anyway as always, if you have ideas about the site just let me know. Til then.... PEACE OUTSIDE FOOS!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Stuffage

Hey everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know I changed the list of the Nation of Fat Approved Music. I Combined it all into on page and put it into a spiffy layout (at least I hope so) It's all under the Sidebar, Nation of Fat Music. Anyway, let me know what ya'll think.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Updates Part 2

Hello again. Here is what I've changed so far. I added the NoF Quote of the Day. As long as I remember, I'll change it everyday. I think it is a pretty cool idea. Also, I made the "NoF Officials" page. In it was the pre-existing NoF Official Eating Venues, and I added NoF Music to it. With that, Go into there and comment on what other musicians I should add to that list.

Also I have new pics of the mighty co-founder Big D! Go view them now!
Also, Lauren's profile is up. Other then that, if anyone has any other ideas for the site just let me know!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Random thing I saw today the Nation might enjoy. Supposedly there was a 16' Python somewhere that attempted to swallow an entire Aligator, and succeeded. However, because the gator was so big, the python "burst". Thought that was amuzing. I'll try to find a link to that article later.

Also, if you notice there are 3 more people coming into the Nation, Little Danny as a Few Trusted Skinny, and Lauren, Nikki and Jeannette into the Female Sympathizers. Also because Gigantour kicked major ass, I added Megadeth to the Nation Approved Music. Well, that's it for now, Later all!

EDIT (10:35 pm) --- Just wanted to let everyone know I'm planning on redoing the site a little. Reorganize the side bar and add new material. If anyone has ideas or what-not let me know. Later