New Stuffage to the Site
Well, the Nation really hasn't done much this summer of major note. Pretty much, most of us have been playing Big D's World of Darkness game, and Pres and Fae (along with me for that matter) are cramed with work so we barely see much of anyone. When something of major importance happens, this is where I shall post it.
Anyway, Soon I may make some changes on the site. Most noticably will be new side links on the right bar. One will be "Offical Nation Stuff". Obviously the first thing in there will be Sonic as the Official Nation of Fat eating venue. But I need more "official nation things" it could be anything, food, music, places, things, etc. Also, another link will be "Nation of Fat Records". Here is where all the records set by the Nation and it's members will be stored forever. I'll definatly need help with this one. Anyway, I'll put this up in my LJ also to get feedback and go a little more in depth with crap.