Newest Member!!!
Tonight is a glorious night for the Nation of Fat!! Tonight, we have a new member!!! We have inducted Jenn, the current holder of the Hat of Power into the Nation as a Female Sympathizer. Her official name is Cold Sara Rizzo. Me, Jenn, and Reba went to a local Sonic and feasted! Combined, we spent 17 bucks on food, not bad, but we have done better! But this ceremony was complete with the feasting of Sonic, and the listening to Yes. Tis truly a proud day for the Nation! Also I'm updating her profile to full member status, so check it out!
Speaking of which, this summer, the Nation is going to have a planned vacation! This trip will be to Long Beach, Mississippi! A day at the beach, relaxing away from parents and such, and retrieving the Hat of Power!!!! More info will come later......But until then, later everyone! AND MAY YES BE WITH YOU!!!!