NoF Quote of the Week (July 23 - July 29, 2006)

"Even though we are sitting down right now, we are giving you a standing ovation." - Max Bialystock from The Producers

Friday, June 25, 2004

Mass Munchies

Today I had lunch with an old member of the Nation that I haven't seen in a long time, President Tubbs, aka, Robert Pastor. We went to Cheesecake Bistro, and partaked in munchies of the highest quality. The Nation Rested that night, to prepare for our next meal.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Grand Isle

The mighty Nation of Fat recently vacationed at Grand Isle for a week. Co Founder Daniel Maillian and his family took me (Dono) and Jason with them for the awesome week. The Nation feasted many days and nights on crabs, shrimp, and anything else we could find. Also, we have took control of a water vessel which we aptly named the Jolly Macrogers, and quickly conquered a nearby island and pillaged a settlement of locals (God Damn Seagulls). The Mighty Crew of the Jolly MacRogers is as follows:
Admiral - Big Dizzle (Daniel)
Captain - Dono-Sizzle (Dono)
Big dude with tattoos and hammer - Big Jizzle (Jason)
Couragous Crew - Sandizzle (Dan's sister Sandy) and Courtizzle (Dan's cousin Courtney)

And just to mess with him, Vaughn (Dono's little brother) was named Cabin Boy. It is at this time I would like mention the Jolly MacRogers is a Navy Seal issue RAFT.

But in the opinion of this Nation Co-founder, this trip was quite awesome and mighty.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Kickass Links

HAHA! I figured out how to add the spiffy LINKS box on the right. If you have suggestions of links we should add to the site, just comment to this post or something.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Glorious Night

Yes, last night was glorious. Simply because the Nation had MASSIVE MUNCHIES. Arby's (BOO), 10 bucks worth of food (SWEET). Anyway, I continued my D&D game and was very mean to Mike again. Because remember, I AM GOD IN D&D. But then he got his revenge when he killed a Half-Fiend that was supposed to kill bastards. Well, tonight the Nation shall be out again and wreck havoc on the city. Until later!

Monday, June 07, 2004


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