HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Below, I thought I'd share my meal with ya'll.
Anyway, on this day I'd like to announce that Fae's pics and Pres's pics are on the site in their entirety. Also, I went back into the archives on my PC and found a new pic for Dono, Big D, 2 for Vaughn, and found a pic to add onto Mike's profile, which is a group pic of Dono, Dizzle, and Mike at the Anime Convention a little while ago. More pics coming soon I hope. I might be able to get those in Mobile soon. Anyway, Happy Easter everyone, and Keep fighting the good fight, against the Skinny, PETA, and Canada!!


the con awhile ago? it was only in feb...when you say the con awhile ago i think of either 02's or 04's con...
if ya need more pics I have ...lots >.> but not of some peoples.
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